What Is The Ideal Male Physique And How Do You Get It?
June 2, 2020
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The ideal male form may not be what you think. In fact, I’m fairly certain that after decades of brainwashing by the various forms of media you would undoubtedly say something resembling a bodybuilding physique. Well, I’m here to dispel a few myths, and shed some light on just what people, (and women in particular) consider the ideal male form and how to go about attaining it!
Think back as far as you can, and for many of us that would be about as far back as the Charles Atlas ads, which depicted the former ‘America’s most perfectly developed man’ as everyone’s ideal of the perfect male physique. This went unchallenged for many, many moons, as we were inundated with this idea of male masculinity and perfection wherever we went, from magazine, to television, movies and even bubble gum wrappers.
While Atlas certainly had many of the attributes that we would ultimately like to see in the ideal male form, there is more to be said on the matter. Studies have shown that as far back as the ancients, I’m talking Greeks, Romans and Spartans here, the ideal male form has been known to be a classic ‘V’ shape form, with a set of strong shoulders, tapering down to a trim waist, with a well-defined chest and midsection in between. This is no accident. There is even a mathematical formula that many artists and architects have used to come up with these proportions. This is known as the ‘Golden Ratio’, and is responsible in part for works of art by Michelangelo, Da Vinci and others.
Classic works of architecture were also constructed using this formula. It is expressed mathematically as 1:1.618 and as far as physique building goes refers to the ratio of measurement of a man’s shoulders in relation to his waist, depending on his height. Follow this formula and you will get this physique. Leave out one part and there won’t be anyone giving you a second glance.
I mean think about it, a guy with a great set of shoulders and strong chest that sports a spare tire underneath doesn’t garner attention. But a guy with all these elements does. Not only will he become an altogether more attractive man, but he will also begin to acquire what I like to call a certain social dominance. You have already seen this phenomenon in action, I’m sure. We’ve all seen the trim, strong and supremely confident guy walk into a room, and command all the attention, not only from the women, but an element of deference from the men as well.
Think how this might work out for you in your business dealings! The only workout plan I know of that strives for this kind of physique building is known as the Adonis Index Workout. It combines strength workouts with fat loss and a sensible eating plan specifically designed for any man to attain this kind of body. It meets each man where he is, and doesn’t require as much time or effort as trying to become the next Charles Atlas might.
Article Source: sooperarticles.com/health-fitness-articles/men-health-articles/what-ideal-male-physique-how-do-you-get–21220.html
About Author:
Men, want to learn more about how to get that classic V shape that women find so attractive? The Adonis Effect by John Barban can get you there.Author: Jackie Burgmann