3 Ways To Dress Up Your Writing With Details
July 6, 2020
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By Jane Sumerset
You’d read the title right. You need to know how to dress up your writing by placing the necessary details that fit your topic.
In fact, not all people are aware of this. Not all are capable of producing such effective yet successful contents. But at least, there are also some people who manage to do it well. Expert writers know how to provide their content with necessary details that will give meaning to the subject.
Even students and professionals do the same too. But mind you, not all can do it correctly. Facts are very important in writing. placing them in your content is the nice thing to do in order to support your subject.
But, if these facts are not appropriate for your topic, then they are useless. Sometimes, you need to learn the things to be included in your topic. Eliminate those that are not necessary and back your subject up with the right information to support your arguments.
What you need to do is to conduct a deep research about the topic you are going to write. Gather relevant information that will help you to support your ideas and your topic in a balance manner.
The next step is to organize your thoughts and the information that you had gathered from researching into your content by writing them in an effective yet efficient way.
Concrete details bring a different quality to your writing, turning it from words out of someone’s mouth into something inherently more convincing. After all, which one would be likely to sway you – a general statement or one that builds a complete picture using plenty of specific information?
There are many ways of accomplishing believable words using concrete details. All of the three following techniques should figure prominently in your arsenal, the same way you depend on a quality proofreading software.
Incidental details. Adding incidental details, like the name of the street you just passed or the badge number of the police officer on the picture, might not be fully relevant to your subject. Yet, inserting them can lend an air of credibility to your piece. Readers, for some reason, enjoy incidental information, almost allowing them to vicariously see the writer’s point of view in greater depth.
Color words. Inserting text that paints a colorful picture forces readers to create the same image in their minds, immediately anchoring your idea to their consciousness. A statement as old as ‘the green grass of home,’ for instance, will likely evoke a very specific picture in your head. Apply the same thing to your writing, from describing ‘the gloomy, purple sky at the break of dawn’ to beguiling at the ‘radiant red dress she wore that night.’
Relevant details. Incidental details are meant to be uttered in passing, not delved into. If you’re going neck deep into any sort of detail, make sure it is of the relevant variety. Your details will need to answer something for the readers, completing a picture in their minds or answering a lingering question.
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